Viva Vitality: A Call to be Kind during Mental Health Week

By Taneil Zanidean

We all have the capacity to be compassionate, and we know that doing so can make an enormous difference.

Compassion can have a positive impact on your life. It is the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve the suffering by taking action to help the other person. Giving and receiving compassion can improve your mental wellbeing and produce greater happiness.

Research shows that engaging in activities such as volunteering and creating a life of purpose and meaning can play a role in better health and improve longevity. Compassion can also help build social supports and connections that are important to mental wellbeing.

Together, we can learn to be more compassionate to improve individual and community wellbeing. Join us during Mental Health Week, May 6-12, with A Call to be Kind, a celebration focused on the healing power of compassion.

Taneil Zanidean is a Health Promotion Facilitator with Alberta Health Services South Zone Addiction and Mental Health.


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